Demon Hunter also known as “Cang Yuan Tu” special season consisting of four episode recently concluded its special episode set in Dongting Prefecture. This special episode was a highly anticipated addition to the series, offering fans an in- depth look at this particular setting and moving the story in exciting way.
Following the completion of the Dongting Prefecture special episodes, the official team of “Demon Hunter” wasted no time in releasing a new trailer for the upcoming second season. The trailer has created a lot of excitement among fans, who are eager to see whats new adventure and challenges awaits the characters
Demon Hunter season 2 Trailer
The trailer also mention that the second season of “Cang Yuan Tu” or Demon Hunter Season 2 will be released this year. Lets hope that it will be released soon.
The new trailer uploaded on Cang Yuan Tu’s offcial page on Weibo shows the concept image of the top 10 geniuses, as follows.
The first Genius on the list is – Fire God Yan Chitong
The second genius – King Chu Yong
The Third Genius – immortal general Yan feng
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The fourth genius – Frost night princess li shaoying
the fifth genius – white haired immortal yan jin
the sixth genius – Yun heyu xiang zhongsha
the seventh genius – day shining golden body zhang lie
the eigth genius – judge wang buyu
the ningth genius – dog god qi qiu
the tenth genius – iron tiger three forms left
As for the protagonist Meng Chuan, he is ranked 199 on the genius list and his nickname is Thunder Daohua.
Demon Hunter Season 2 Spoilers from series screenwriter
After completion of special season of the animation “Demon Hunter” the official team an interview with the screenwriter, revealing information about the second season. This enterview revealed exciting details about the upcoming content and story, revealing what fans can expect in the new season.
Plot Development : The screenwriter discussed key plot points and new storyline that would be central to the second season and hinted at more complex and intresting narratives.
Character Development : Details about characters development and progression were shared, emphasizing how the heroes will face new challenges and evolve in response to them.
World Building : There will be expansion of the animation Demon Hunter Universe, with new locations and new characters, adding depth and richness to the overall narrative.
Judging from the answer of the screenwriter, the second season of “Cang Yuan Tu” will see development related to evil spirits in Meng Chuan, especially the foreshadowing of the seven colored evil spirit. Additionally, there is also the plot of Mei Yuanzhi’s soul which is kept secret for the time being. It seems that the offcial team has made plans for this story and now we will have to wait for the further updates.