Earlier this year, In the National Key Online Animation Program Planning and Filing Announcement – Two Chapters of the series Martial Universe season 5 were filed by Yuwen Film and Television Culture Communication. The first chapter was titled “Wu Dong Qian Kun Season 5: The War of Hundred Dynasties”, while the second chapter was titled “Wu Dong Qian Kun season 5: Ancient Secret Treasures, with a total of 12 episodes in both the chapters.
Among these, Chapter 1 “Martial Universe Season 5: The War Of Hundred Dynasties” has successfully passed the review in June this year. Although, the review status of its chapter 2 has not been revealed yet.
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However, the big news is that the officials of the series “Martial Universe” has expanded Season 5 with 2 additional chapters, these two chapters were listed in the National Key Online Animation Program and Filing in October 2024. Both the Chapters – “Wu Dong Qian Kun Season 5: Battle of Champions” and “Wu Dong Qian Kun Season 5: Sect Inheritance”, were filed by the Shanghai Yuewen Film and Television Culture Communication. There are a total of 12 episodes in both the chapters.
As of Now, four chapters have been announced for the fifth season of the “Martial Universe” Animation, consisting of a total of 24 episodes, with this release structure, the 5th season is set up as a half-year series. Although, some are speculating that it may be expanded into a annual series, with an additional episodes potentially announced in the future.
However, there have been no official updates regarding this, as a die-hard fan of Martial Universe, i would be thrilled to see it evolve into an annual series. Do share your thoughts on this we would love to hear your opinion.
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