On November 30, during the Douluo Dalu animation’s 7th anniversary, its production team revealed several exciting upcoming projects, including “Soul Land 3: Legend of the Dragon King” and “Soul land: Sword Dao Chen Xin”. Additionally, the concept poster of Tang Wulin’s was unveiled.
Tang Wulin’s Concept Poster
At the 7th anniversary event of Douluo Dalu animation, the character design of Tang Wulin, the protagonist of the animation “Douluo Dalu 3: Legend of the Dragon King” was officially announced.
The released concept design of Tang Wulin received a lot of praise from chinese viewers and indeed the concept design looks and very unique. Although its specific modeling of the character has not been unveiled as its season 2 is still ongoing.
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Soul land 3 : Legend of the Dragon King- Story
According to the setting of the original novel, Tang Wulin is the son of Tang San and Xiao Wu and the younger brother of Tang Wutong, the heroine of the animation “Soul Land 2 : Unrivaled Tang Sect”. This upcoming season “Soul Land 3 : Legend of the Dragon King” will show the Tang Wulin’s journey.